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“Incessant innovation” is the key for business success and the base for sustainable management. It requires the integration of multidisciplinary knowledge including management, technology, and law in order to break the traditional frame and create a unique competitive advantage. However, these three innovational requirements are divided into three separate disciplines in Taiwan, unable to communicate, integrate, and transfer knowledge and skills with each other.

In order to meet the requirement of industrial needs and the economic development tendency, the Graduate institute of Technology & Innovation Management (TIM) in college of commerce at National Chengchi University was founded in 1994 to prepare for the emerging needs of integration.

Subsequently, TIM established a Ph.D program in July 1998, and started the EMBA program for the top managers of high-tech industry. In 2001, the TIM started the post master degree MBA for the graduate of science, engineering, medicine, and agriculture.

With the increased incident of Taiwanese companies facing lawsuits of infringement brought by international firms, the college of business established the Institute of Intellectual Property (IIP) in 2002, offering MBA program specialized in intellectual property management.

Besides cultivating talents, during the developing process of TIM and IIP, academic cooperation relationships were also established with Industrial Technology Research Institute(Taiwan), National Yang-Ming University (Taiwan), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA), University of Washington (USA), Stanford University (USA), Oxford University (UK), University of Sussex (UK), Hitotsubashi University (Japan), Peking University (Mainland China), Tsing Hua University (Mainland China), and Chinese Academy of Sciences (Mainland China). Furthermore, the two institutes focused on technology management and intellectual property issues in Taiwan, while publishing research and relative analysis on academic publications in Taiwan and abroad.

In recent years, there has been an increase in global competition and rise in new techniques. The development of innovation requires the combination of legal knowledge, management skills and technological advances, along with effective IP management to create more value. Therefore, TIM and IIP merged in 2013 and become the Graduate Institute of Technology Innovation & Intellectual Property Management (TIIPM). TIIPM strives to take intellectual property as the core to integrate knowledge from the previously separate disciplines.