- NCCUC Office of Doctoral Programs would like to announce that our PhD & DBA admission information sessions for year 2020’s student intake will be held on 7th September (Sat.).
- We encourage the aspiring young scholars to register the info sessions to find out more of our doctoral programs!
4 reasons you should study at NCCUC
- 頂尖師資陣容及教研團隊
- First-tier Lectures & Research
- 博士生跨國聯合培育計畫
- Dual Degrees & International Co-supervisions
- 整合全院資源與就業輔導
- Comprehensive Career Resources & Support
- 多項獎助學金與研究補助
- Multiple Scholarships & Research Grants
日期 Date:
(Sat.) 7th Sept. 2019
地點 Location:
6th Floor, Yuanta Conference Hall of Humanities
時間 Agenda:
14:00-15:00 商學院學術組招生說明 PhD Admission Information Session
15:10-16:30 商學院產業組招生說明 DBA Admission Information Session
16:40-17:00 商學院博士班獎學金介紹 Intro to NCCUC Scholarships
活動報名連結 Event Registration :