2020 |
Li, C.-H.*, 2020, 'Psychometric Evaluation of the Chinese Version of the Emotion Regulation Questionnaire in Taiwanese College Students, ' Assessment, Vol.27, No.6, pp.1300-1309.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 419193, 2020 |
2017 |
郭旭展*;Pamela Burnard;Ros McLellan;鄭英耀;吳靜吉, 2017.06, 'The development of indicators for creativity education and a questionnaire to evaluate its delivery and practice, ' Thinking Skills and Creativity, Vol.24, pp.186-198.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 414913, Jun. 2017 |
2016 |
游銘仁*;吳靜吉, 2016, '利社會動機與社會創業警覺力:觀點取替與內在動機之調節式中介模型, ' 科技管理學刊, Vol.21, No.3, pp.53-80.(*為通訊作者), vol. 418981, 2016 |
2016 |
倪鳴香;廖怡佳;吳靜吉, 2016, '幼兒創造力發展及其相關因素之研究, ' 幼兒發展與教育, pp.13-32., vol. 412190, 2016 |
2016 |
Fan, H.-L.;Chang, P.-F.;Albanese, D.;Wu, J.-J.;Yu, M.-J.;Chuang, H.-J., 2016, 'Multilevel influences of transactive memory systems on individual innovative behavior and team innovation, ' Thinking Skills and Creativity, Vol.19, pp.49-59.(SSCI), vol. 409806, 2016 |
2014 |
Wang, C.-C.;Ho, H.-C.;Wu, J.-J.;Cheng, Y.-Y., 2014, 'Development of the scientific imagination model: A concept-mapping perspective, ' Thinking Skills and Creativity, Vol.13, pp.106-119.(SSCI), vol. 409829, 2014 |
2013 |
Wu, J.-J.;Albanese, D.*, 2013, 'Imagination and creativity: wellsprings and streams of education – the Taiwan experience, ' Educational Psychology: An International Journal of Experimental Educational Psychology, Vol.33, No.5, pp.561-581.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 396561, 2013 |
2012 |
于國華*;吳靜吉, 2012, '台灣文化創意產業的現況與前瞻, ' 二十一世紀, Vol.133, pp.82-88.(*為通訊作者), vol. 396564, 2012 |
2012 |
于國華;吳靜吉;樊學良*, 2012, '文化創意產業的教育創新, ' 教育資料與研究, Vol.105, pp.1-38.(*為通訊作者), vol. 399385, 2012 |
2011 |
吳靜吉;樊學良, 2011.03, '台灣創造力教育相關政策與實踐經驗, ' 創造學刊, Vol.2, No.1, pp.5-28., vol. 399415, Mar. 2011 |
2011 |
余嬪;吳靜吉;陳以亨;區衿綾, 2011, '不同年齡男女專業工作者之玩興與工作創新, ' 教育心理學報, Vol.42, No.3, pp.423-444.(TSSCI), vol. 399412, 2011 |
2011 |
Li, C.-H.*;Wu, J.-J., 2011, 'The Structural Relationships between Optimism and Innovative Behavior: Understanding Potential Antecedents and Mediating Effects, ' Creativity Research Journal, Vol.23, No.2, pp.119-128.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 399395, 2011 |
2010 |
Jing-Jyi Wu*;Dale Albanese, 2010, 'Asian Creativity, Chapter One: Creativity across Three Chinese Societies, ' Thinking Skills and Creativity, Vol.5, No.3, pp.150-154.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 409830, 2010 |
1994 |
吳靜吉;樊景立, 1994.07, '薪酬公平、程序公正與組織承諾、組織公民行為關係之研究, '., vol. 132470, Jul. 1994 |
1989 |
吳靜吉;榮泰生, 1989.07, '組織學習論之探討:企業實施辦公室自動化之實證研究, '., vol. 132527, Jul. 1989 |
1989 |
司徒達賢;吳靜吉, 1989.07, '組織學習論之探討:企業實施辦公室自動化之實證研究, '., vol. 119541, Jul. 1989 |
1988 |
吳靜吉;司徒達賢, 1988.07, '組織內人際結構之研究, '., vol. 132524, Jul. 1988 |
1988 |
司徒達賢;吳靜吉, 1988.07, '企業文化與組織承諾之關係研究, '., vol. 132523, Jul. 1988 |
1988 |
吳靜吉;丁虹, 1988.07, '企業文化與組織承諾之關係研究, '., vol. 132522, Jul. 1988 |
1981 |
吳靜吉, 1981.09, '臺灣社會對於青少年問題做了些什麼, '., vol. 121769, Sep. 1981 |
1981 |
吳靜吉, 1981.07, '給青年朋友的信─年輕人在升學與就業間的抉擇, '., vol. 121768, Jul. 1981 |
1980 |
吳靜吉, 1980, '內外控取向與工作滿足及績效之關係, '., vol. 121767, 1980 |
1980 |
吳靜吉, 1980, 'Discovery and Education of Gifted and Talented Children: a New Concept of Child Welfare in the R.O.C., '., vol. 121766, 1980 |
1979 |
吳靜吉, 1979.09, '談心理劇, '., vol. 121765, Sep. 1979 |
1979 |
吳靜吉, 1979.09, '心理學在管理上的應用, '., vol. 121763, Sep. 1979 |
1979 |
吳靜吉, 1979, '場地獨立性的發展及其相關因素之研究, '., vol. 121762, 1979 |
1978 |
吳靜吉, 1978, '芝麻街的來路去向, '., vol. 121761, 1978 |
1978 |
吳靜吉, 1978, '人際交往分析, '., vol. 121759, 1978 |
1978 |
吳靜吉, 1978, '自我實現及測量-個人取向量表的簡介, '., vol. 121760, 1978 |
1978 |
吳靜吉, 1978, '個人取向量表指導修訂報告, '., vol. 121758, 1978 |
1978 |
吳靜吉, 1978, '個人取向量表, '., vol. 121757, 1978 |
1976 |
吳靜吉, 1976.05, '分歧式和連鎖式的聯想訓練對創造思考的影響, '., vol. 121756, May. 1976 |
1975 |
吳靜吉, 1975.05, '性別差異和內外控取向對語文流暢性之影響, '., vol. 121755, May. 1975 |
1970 |
吳靜吉, 1970, 'Off-off Goes to Chinatown, '., vol. 121751, 1970 |
1970 |
吳靜吉, 1970, 'Cross-national Research in Teacher Training and Teaching, '., vol. 121750, 1970 |
1970 |
吳靜吉;Torrance, E. P., 1970, 'Creative Functioning of Monolingual and Bilingual Children in Singapore, '., vol. 121749, 1970 |
1970 |
吳靜吉, 1970, 'Wanted: More Cross-cultural Research in Education, '., vol. 121748, 1970 |
1969 |
吳靜吉, 1969, 'Wanted: More Cross-cultural Research in Education, '., vol. 121747, 1969 |
1967 |
吳靜吉;Wilk, R. E., 1967, 'Student Personnel Research in Teacher Education, '., vol. 121746, 1967 |